Wednesday, March 7, 2012

But seriously I know you're hanging out without me

Since I've graduated from college I've read on average one book a year, the most recent ones being Bossypants and Chelsey Chelsey Bang Bang. I promise you I'm smarter than what these book selections would suggest. However, I refuse to be ashamed of them because I don't care who you are, they're funny.

I especially love these type of memoirs by comediennes because they are generally self-deprecating, which I always appreciate. It's encouraging to see successful people talk about how awkward and uncool they were. It gives the awkward and uncool everywhere hope.

I enjoyed IEHOWM (AOC). It was very lighthearted and easy to read. My favorite part of the book is where she discusses the types of women in romantic comedies that do not exist in real life. It was an article in the New Yorker and is also in the book. If there's any doubt in your mind as to how funny Mindy is that article should clear it up.

Also anyone who can write about a "rape train" and make it hilarious and not at all terrifying is a great author in my book.

*She also has a blog, The Concerns of Mindy Kaling

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